The High School of
Arts and Technology
College Application Checklist
CUNY Application
I submitted my CUNY application
I sent my SAT scores to CUNY UAPC through College Board (code: 2950)
SUNY/Common Application
I submitted my SUNY apps via the SUNY Portal or
I submitted my SUNY apps via Common App
I have paid application fees or requested fee waivers on the Common App
I have submitted supplemental essays & applications
I sent my SAT score to my colleges through College Board
I applied to a mix of colleges including, SUNYs, privates and/or out-of-state
Personal Statement
I have completed the final version of my college essay. It was edited and reviewed by teacher and/or counselor
Recommendation letter
I have asked at least two teachers for a recommendation letter and they have submitted it to CUNY, Common App or any other college or trade school applications
I have sent thank you notes to the teachers writing my letters of recommendation
Financial Aid
I created FSA IDs for myself and a parent
I have applied for Federal Student Aid programs via FAFSA
I have applied for the New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) via HESC
I have downloaded my Student Aid Report (SAR) from FAFSA and sent it to my college counselor
I have added all of my colleges to my FAFSA account