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9th Grade Studio Teacher
Grade 9
9th Grade Studio Art I
This course is designed as a foundation which is being offered to any student in need of the required art course for graduation. It has been written to expose students to visual and historic art experiences. Through hands on exploration of various media and correlating art experiences in other subject areas the students will develop progressive portfolios of two- and three-dimensional art forms. Also, through mastery of language and vocabulary of art, students will be able to evaluate and interpret art on a higher and broader level. By studying cultures of the past and present-day cultures and societies they will develop an awareness and appreciation of their own potential for individual expression and style. Reviewing and assessing their own work, as well as, their classmates will help in this area. Ultimately, this course will introduce students to the world and work of the artists, enabling them to experience the fundamentals of visual art while actively engaging in hands-on projects which will be exhibited throughout the halls of Arts and Tech to be appreciated by all!
© 2022 High School for Arts and Technology
Tel: 212-501-1198| INFO@HSARTSTECH.ORG
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